
Message from the President

Dear Honorable Members,

I am honored to address you as the President of this esteemed organization, representing the collective strength and vision of our vibrant lubricant industry. Together, we have traversed numerous milestones, adapting to evolving market dynamics while upholding our commitment to excellence and sustainable growth.

In a rapidly changing business landscape, the significance of our association becomes more evident than ever. We are not just importers; we are key contributors to the nation's economy, driving innovation, creating employment opportunities and fostering technological advancements. Our industry plays a pivotal role in supporting various sectors, from automotive to manufacturing, by providing essential lubricant solutions that ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and longevity.

As we stand at the peak of a new era, it is imperative that we embrace change with open minds and open hearts. The global lubricant market is undergoing a transformative phase, driven by emerging technologies, environmental concerns, and shifting consumer preferences. We must proactively adapt to these trends, harnessing the power of innovation and sustainability to secure our competitive edge.

Collaboration lies at the core of our association's success. By fostering a strong network of partnerships among our members, we can collectively address challenges, seize opportunities, and promote best practices within our industry. Let us continue to foster an environment that encourages knowledge sharing, collaboration and mutual support. Together, we can pool our expertise, exchange valuable insights, and amplify our influence in shaping the future of the lubricant sector in Bangladesh.


Furthermore, our commitment to sustainability must remain unwavering. As responsible businesses, we have a duty to protect and preserve our environment. Let us strive to adopt eco-friendly practices, explore greener alternatives and educate our stakeholders about the importance of sustainable lubricant solutions. By championing environmentally conscious initiatives, we can make a positive impact on our society, reduce our carbon footprint, and ensure a greener and more prosperous future for generations to come.

I encourage each member of our association to actively engage in our activities, committees, and initiatives. Your active participation and valuable input will be instrumental in shaping our strategic direction, enhancing our collective voice, and driving positive change in the lubricant industry.

In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the Lubricant Importer Association of Bangladesh for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, let us forge ahead, united in our pursuit of excellence, sustainability, and industry leadership. I look forward to another productive year, filled with shared achievements and mutual growth.

Thank you.


Muhammad Zamsher Ali
Lubricants Importers Association of Bangladesh