
Goals and Objectives of the Organization

This association has been formed keeping in mind the goals and objectives of protecting the interests of all lubricants traders in Bangladesh, playing a significant role in the development of the country by importing high-quality lubricants and solving all kinds of complications in the lubricants import trade. The goals and objectives are detailed below

  1. To establish business perspective consensus, amity and harmony among traders including lubricants importers and dealers.
  2. To provide all-round cooperation to all members of the organization and Lubricants Importers in order to eliminate the accumulation and problems in the business field.
  3. To make timely contribution in the field of transport and industrial development as essential in national life.
  4. Lubricants are committed to the satisfaction of sellers, buyers and users, motivating members to uphold this commitment and providing superior after-sales service to improve the quality of business services.
  5. To take necessary measures to ensure overall development progress and material safety of lubricants business.
  6. To develop a stable market system to make imported lubricants readily available to consumers and buyers for sale and distribution.
  7. To take all necessary legal measures against any corrupt activity against the interests of lubricants business and to take necessary effective action.
  8. Lubricants Importers Association of Bangladesh to adopt or carry out united programs with any other organization or organization dedicated to the same ideals and objectives and to be a member of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry and to represent as per the rules.
  9. Ensuring all the promotions of finished lubricants business through all types of promotion including advertisement for the purpose of expansion and development.
  10. Publish regular and irregular periodicals, pamphlets, journals, etc. to promote the ideals, objectives, goals and programs of the association in a comprehensive manner.
  11. To liaise with all the lubricants traders located within the geographical boundaries of Bangladesh and to arrange for deputation to different places to exchange business information.
  12. To acquire more experience and exchange ideas in relevant business and technical fields from lubricants supplying and producing countries and send all types of communication and delegations from the organization if necessary.
  13. Organizing meeting seminars etc. on lubricants import trade, problems and communication system, potential of transport industry development.
  14. Acceptance of members' admission fees, monthly/annual subscriptions, donations from individuals or organizations, any other donation or waqf property for the purpose of expanding the funds of the organization.
  15. For the organization's own land or immovable property, construction of houses, buildings thereon, alteration, extension or transfer thereof.
  16. To appoint individuals or organizations to implement the goals and objectives of the organization and to pay salaries or honorariums as decided by the executive council.
  17. To set up various standing committees with members for the welfare of traders to speed up the activities of the association.
  18. To constitute a trust or foundation, technical vocational or any other charitable organization, to receive unconditional or minimally conditional grants for the furtherance of one or more of the goals and objectives of the Association. The other organization can formulate its own constitution and operate independently subject to the approval of the executive council.
  19. In order to ensure all safety in the land ports, sea ports used in the import of lubricants, taking necessary initiatives by providing advice and cooperation with the relevant authorities.
  20. Formulate capacity policy to maintain complementary statistical balance of demand and supply with a view to saving the country's hard-earned foreign exchange. Compulsory membership orincentivization of relevant traders.
  21. To take effective and productive initiatives on behalf of the organization with the intention of presenting import policy orders, banking, traffic, revenue duty laws, customs laws, VAT laws, lubricants policies and guidelines with the government and related authorities.